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Danesfield Church of England School Living and Learning Together

The 100 Club!

The 100 Club!


The  100 Club is a chance to celebrate and reward those hitting the magic ‘100% Attendance’ weekly, half termly, termly and yearly. Attendance is so important as being here means experiencing all that school life has to offer. It means being part of the community, to learn, to mature, to have fun and to be proud of being at Danesfield #DanesfieldPride.

We know that sometimes it can be difficult to be in school due to appointments and outside influences, so we have created criteria that is clear and secure, so you know what constitutes ‘100% Attendance’ and membership to the 100 Club.

Criteria for Membership

  • 100% Attendance
  • To include school visits
  • To include medically evidenced absences
  • To include educated off site provision
  • Those on part time timetables (if they meet the rules of the timetable)

Underneath are our first 100 Club! prize draw Winners for Term 4;



Celebrations of Success Weekly

  • 100% Attendance= 2 House Points
  • Membership into the 100 Club (for as long as you are at 100% Attendance)
  • Success shared via newsletter and social media outlets
  • Success shared in collective worship
  • Success shared and presented as part of the 100 Club display in school


Celebrations of Success Half Termly

  • 100% Attendance=all above and..
  • End of half term Tea Party
  • Prize Draw for members of the 100 Club


Celebrations of Success Termly

  • 100% Attendance=all above and..
  • End of Term Film and Pizza Afternoon
  • Prize Draw for members of the 100 Club



Celebrations of Success End of School Year

  • 100% Attendance=all above and..
  • End of year reward trip


This is what your peers and friends have to say about

‘Because being here means having experiences, opportunities, and achievements’ Maisie 7LH

‘We can build relationships with staff and with our friends’ Karmen 7LH

‘This is where we grow up, so we need to be here for that to happen!’ Immy 8JW

100% Attendance Matters!!

Still image for this video
The reason we need to aim for 100% attendance is clear; Opportunity, Experience and Achievement.
But thanks to Gracie and Daniel in 5EH for sharing their thoughts.

100 Club Tea Party - celebrating 100% attendance
