Uniform Standards
A gentle reminder about uniform. All pupils are required to wear:
• Our royal blue school jumper with the school’s logo. No hoodies are to be worn on the school site.
• White collared shirt.
• House tie
• Grey trousers or skirts (skirts must be calf length). No other colours are permitted. (Boys and girls may wear tailored grey knee length shorts.)
• Black or grey coloured tights – socks should be black or grey.
• Children must wear black school shoes that are laced, buckled or Velcro. Other shoes or trainers are not allowed.
• All uniform should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Tesco: https://www.tesco.com/zones/clothing/school-uniform
Morrisons: https://nutmeg.morrisons.com/eshop/search/?product_name=white+shirt&key=white+shirt
Asda: https://direct.asda.com/george/school/boys-school-shirts/D10M1G1C1,default,sc.html
Make up, nail varnish and false nails are not to be worn at school at any time. Long nails are not acceptable (please see the PE policy).
One small stud in each ear. Nose, face and body studs are not allowed, nor the wearing of jewellery for safety reasons.
No patterns or tramlines should be shaved into the hair or the eyebrows, Hair should not be dyed or bleached
Long hair that touches the shoulder must be tied back for lessons with a practical element, (Science, PE, DT etc)
Hair ornaments, (including braids) should not be worn for safety reasons.
Hair should not be shaved below a grade 2.
Belts are only appropriate if they are used to hold up trousers or skirts and should be worn inside the belt loops of the garment. Belts should be black and plain.
PE kit consists of blue socks and black shorts, blue school PE top for boys and girls, Rugby top for boys and fitted fleece top for girls. Football boots for Rugby/Football and a gum shield for contact sports.
The staff will support pupils with their uniform and regularly check that expectations are being met. If pupils are in the incorrect uniform;
We are confident that these measures will support pupils in building a sense of community at Danesfield, further enriching their experience, attainment, and achievement.