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Danesfield Church of England School Living and Learning Together


The Science curriculum at Danesfield Middle School is designed to ensure coverage of the national curriculum content, but will more importantly engage pupils’ curiosity and take them on a journey of learning focusing on how to relate scientific ideas and explanations to phenomena in the world around them. It is one which will develop knowledge and understanding in a progressive sequence, so that pupils will move their knowledge and skills from short term to long term memory. A wide range of devices are used to stimulate lines of enquiry and link closely to events happening in the real world, whilst at the same time, carefully sequenced learning ensures that the pupils know more and remember more. The significance and intent of nurturing inquisitive, knowledgeable and practical young scientists has importance in wider society. It underpins fundamental ideas and theories, which affect the future choices made with regard to the environment and technology and how best to use and look after the earth’s resources in the years to come. We believe that pupils at Danesfield Middle School move onto the next phase of their education with a strong desire to learn more about the world around them.


Our intent for the Danesfield Curriculum in Science is to:


  • Develop an awe and wonder of Science
  • Foster a lifelong love of Science; to encourage children to be curious and to ask questions about the world around them
  • Develop a confident recall of scientific knowledge and an ability to apply scientific concepts
  • Develop the ability to question the credibility of reported science
  • Allow students to have informed and ethical opinions about the big scientific questions facing society (PSHE, Living in the wider world)
  • Develop a sense of responsibility for our planet and the knowledge to be able to best care for it (Eco-Schools)


The development of a curiosity for what else we can learn about the world through Science and develop transferable and employability skills (Careers Gatsby Benchmarks) In addition, following the Gatsby Benchmarks for Science our intent for practical science is:


  • To teach the principles of scientific enquiry.
  • To improve understanding of theory through practical experience.
  • To teach specific practical skills, such as measurement and observation, that may be useful in future study or employment.
  • To motivate and engage students.
  • To develop higher level skills and attributes such as communication, teamwork and perseverance. (Good Practical Science, Gatsby Foundation, 2017)