Maths in years 5 and 6 is taught for 10 hours over the 2 week timetable by their form tutor.
The planning is based on the White rose Maths Hub scheme which is a new scheme that adapts the best teaching and learning approaches from the UK, Shanghai and Singapore to develop maths mastery in every classroom.
At the beginning of a half term years 5/6 the children will be given a baseline assessment to act as a benchmark but also to assess what areas need to be focused on. The Quantock Academy uses SIMs to monitor assessment.
Maths homework is set each week on MyMaths, CGP workbooks and Ninja Maths. This gives the children instant feedback on how well they are doing but also gives the children (and parents!) an opportunity to click on the lesson attached to the homework so that they can have extra support on a particular concept.