2016- 2017
This term the Year 8 students will be studying the work of Antoni Gaudi and Ernest Haeckel. We will be concentrating on our observational drawing skills and then moving through to design and Lino printing.
This term Year 7 are starting off with some colour theory and painting practise. We are having a look at the colours found in Australian landscapes.
Year 5 homework Topic
The homework topic this half term is based on illustration. The students have been give small booklets to work in. There task is to illustrate a poem that they have found. Week one they were to find the poem and write it into their booklet. Week two they are to come up with ideas for their illustration looking at the different parts of the poem. This can be written or drawn or both. They are then to choose which idea to go with and on the cartridge paper at the back of the leaflet. The illustration should be produced in coloured pencil. If you have any problems then please see me in the Art Room at lunch time.
I am really looking forward to see what poems you have chosen.