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Danesfield Church of England School Living and Learning Together


Year 7 have been working on their fish prints. We produced interesting backgrounds in pen, pencil and watercolour and then printed our design over the top in black ink. Next we are going to cut away more Lino and produce a 3 colour print.

The Year 8 have completed their prints based on nature. They were all wonderful but I can not unload them all, so here are a few of my favourites.

Year 7 have started a new project based on fish. Here are some of their sketchbook studies.

Year 8 have been looking at the work of Haeckel. He was a scientist at the time of Charles Darwin and drew amazing close up studies of nature. We are using his work as a starting point for a lino print design.

Year 7 and 8 have been working on their tone and shading. They copied an eye picture by Escher. I rather like them all together.

Year 7 are coming to the end of their first art project and I am very pleased with the final pieces. We had a look at colour theory, mixing and good painting practise. Painting neatly requires a huge amount of control and is harder than it seems. Here are some of our finished studies based on the Australian Outback.

2016- 2017

This term the Year 8 students will be studying the work of Antoni Gaudi and Ernest Haeckel. We will be concentrating on our observational drawing skills and then moving through to design and Lino printing.


This term Year 7 are starting off with some colour theory and painting practise. We are having a look at the colours found in Australian landscapes. 

Back in July the school held an activities week. Year 5 spent the whole day trying out new techniques in the art room. Here are the fruits of our labours.

The Year 6 students have been looking at landscapes of Utah. They produced a lovely watercolour wash and then produced an abstract picture based loosely on the landscape.

Year 5 have been looking at the architecture of Gaudi. We looked closely at the organic forms and then designed a print. Here are a few from 5W.

Here are the first batch of ceramic birds made by our Year 7 students. We made a hollow ball first. I think they are lovely.

Year 6 flower paintings. Here the students looked closely at flowers. They used oil pastels as resist and then added watercolour paint over the top.

Here is the finished peacock. He is lovely, if a little menacing.

Members of Year 7 who did not go on the French Trip took part in an Art project on Friday. We worked as a group and created a larger than life peacock. He still needs a little finishing but these are the pictures of how we made him.

These portraits were produced by Year 7. We were learning how to use a grid to help us draw. I think these are lovely. Can you guess who they are of?

Observational drawings by Year 8. These took two lessons and students drew cuddly toys. We were working on our shape, tone and texture. They really do look just like the toys.

Year 5 homework Topic

The homework topic this half term is based on illustration. The students have been give small booklets to work in. There task is to illustrate a poem that they have found. Week one they were to find the poem and write it into their booklet. Week two they are to come up with ideas for their illustration looking at the different parts of the poem. This can be written or drawn or both. They are then to choose which idea to go with and on the cartridge paper at the back of the leaflet. The illustration should be produced in coloured pencil. If you have any problems then please see me in the Art Room at lunch time.

I am really looking forward to see what poems you have chosen.




Year 5 have been looking at Still Life paintings and have produced these beautiful pastels studies. Sorry for the dusty state of the uniforms!

Here is the Homework Topic Sheet for the Year 6 Art Prep. Any problems then please come and see me in the Art Room during lunch break Tuesday- Friday. I am here to help.

As promised here are some of the mask made by Year 6. They are based on African art and try to show emotions. We made them out of card, modroc and then paint and decorated them.

Here are a few more lovely pieces of Year 5 work. They really are amazing

Year 5 have been looking at Australian Art this term. Here are a range of their pictures. We were layering up materials as well as drawing and painting animals. We discovered that many of the Aboriginal stories are rather rough and including a little bad behaviour.

Year 8 Homework Sheets for all three groups.

Eye eye. These are some of Year 8's first tonal homework pieces. They were based on a picture by Escher. I think you will agree that they are lovely. So much effort was put into this homework by some many. Well done Year 8.

Beautiful sketchbook work done by a Year 8 student at the Arty Lunchy Party Group.

Year 8 Homework Sheets for week 1

Year 8 have studied the art of Indian. They have looked at how the British Rule effected the art style and brought the Paisley design to England (and of course Scotland). The students are now experimenting with the Paisley tear drop design.

Year 7 have been looking at Oriental Art. They have looked at how religions inspire and effect art and the importance of dragons to Chinese Art. We are now designing our own dragons using different parts of animals to show characteristics.

This term year 6 have been looking at African Art. They produced some beautiful Tingatinga painting and are now design mask. We have started to create these masks in card and modro.

In the Art Room this term year 5 have been working hard on their Aboriginal painting. They have been layering up colours and looking at marks and symbols. Here are some of their sketchbook studies for the paintings.

Year 6 are studying African Art. These are a few of their Tingatinga paintings. Tingatinga paints are traditionally very colourful and celebrate the animals of Africa. They would normally be painted with bicycle paints but we used watercolour, pencils and pens. Our next area of study is masks. We are going to make 3D masks so watch this space.

Here is the Year 7 Homework sheet with a few websites to help you.

Year 8 paintings of the school. These are on display outside Mr Johnson's office.

These flower paintings were inspired by the work of American artist Georgia O' Keeffe. Year 6 used oil pastels for the detail and then added watercolour washes.

Mixed media textured panels made by the year 8 based on closs up pictures of nature.

These cute animals were made by Year 7. They firstly had to make a hollow ball from two pinch pots and then create their animal around it.

These beautiful repeat prints were produced by Year 5. They were based on shells.

Year 7 pastel and watercolour landscapes. Views are of Exmoor. Lovely

Year 8 Pop Art

Year 8 studied the work of Pop Artist Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. They then designed their own modern Pop Art painting looking at composition and the use of acrylic paints.

Year 8 Lino prints

Year 8 used their knowledge of Pop Art portraits to produce wonderful three colour Lino prints. These were then put together as a repeat print.

Year 8 Perspective drawings

Year 8 studied Two Point Perspective and then create a pencil drawing of a building (real and imaginary) showing shading.

Year 6 Animal Painting using washes.

Year 6 studied the body form of a variety of animals. They looked at reducing these to the basic geometric shapes, to aid proportion and scale. These animals were placed in a suitable landscape and painted using watercolour washes.