Welcome to your first term at Danesfield Church of England Middle School! It is an exciting time to be joining the school as we prepare to become part of the WSAT group of schools with the aim of raising educational standards across West Somerset.
I am happy to say that the children have all settled in well during their first week here and are beginning to feel at home with their new class and their new teachers. We are lucky to have 2 teaching assistants working with children in our class, they are Mrs Lyford and Mrs Steele.
Should you have any concerns or issues that you wish to discuss with me please do not hesitate to contact me using the school telephone number or by e-mail. Likewise I will be in touch if I feel that there are any issues to discuss or any good news to celebrate. Could I ask you please to check your child's journal regularly as this is where I will communicate any non-urgent issues, also we ask that you would use the weekly homework sheet to record the time that they have spent learning times tables and reading. Your child will be rewarded in class for having completed these tasks fully.
All pupils will be required to write in pencil at the start of the year, with the possibility of gaining their pen licences once they have demonstrated that they can consistently produce work that is neatly presented and using joined-up handwriting. Our writing tasks will be linked to the class reading book and will be assessed regularly to identify progression of skills. We will also be working on grammar, punctuation and spelling, with a weekly spelling test based on groups of words from the 100-word list. The laminated list sent home is intended to display / use at home. We are beginning with the Year 3-4 list as a revision process this term and will progress to the Year 5-6 list in the Spring Term.
In Maths we are starting the term by revising and extending the children's fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills through the topic of place-value. Within this topic they will be looking at the value of digits in numbers up to a million, rounding numbers and Roman Numerals.
We are looking forward to meeting you at the Inspire Maths morning on THURSDAY 29TH SEPTEMBER. If you have not returned your reply slip yet, please do so as it's not too late!
In Science lessons our unit of work is entitled OUT OF THIS WORLD. Do ask your children about the geocentric and heliocentric solar system models and the astronomers who helped us to discover more about them. There will be a Science homework project after the October half-term on this topic.