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Danesfield Church of England School Living and Learning Together

How our School Vision is Theologically Rooted - click here to read

Our school vision taken from Mark 12:41-44 ‘The Widow’s Gift’ and applied throughout it’s ‘Every Child Will…’ culture is theologically rooted promoting the six-core theologian concepts;


Each person is unique and made in God’s image. The school celebrates the uniqueness of all individuals, everyone is loved and celebrated.

Creativity is celebrated and nurtured throughout the curriculum, trips and visits and extra-curricular provision.

Our aim is for all to develop their individual talents, grow these and flourish.

Everyone is celebrated for being their authentic, unique self throughout school, where opinions are valued and listened to.


Just as in Widows Gift, where Jesus does not shy away from discussing and debating the difficult issues that life presents, as part of Beacon Education, our pupils are encouraged throughout their time to engage with ‘powerful knowledge’

Just Jesus recognised the generosity of the widow, and the impact world events can have on families, we get alongside and support children and their families through the good time and the tough, providing family support where this is needed.

The Trinity

All pupils are encouraged to live as a community, under our Every Child Will culture, agreed by the community

This is the hidden curriculum, and all talents are recognised, celebrated, and nurtured

Our collective worship, visitors, Faith and Festivals and engagement with our local community encourages a ‘wider view’ for pupils outside of the local area


Love is demonstrated through the care and support offered to all no matter what their starting point

Just as in The Widows Gift, no achievement or success is too small, with all offers of support and help taken to enrich the lives of our young people

Courageous advocacy is promoted through the school, demonstrating love as justice.

Everything is school is carried out with love and support, even the difficult conversations and holding people to account.


A restorative justice approach promotes the value of forgiveness and moving on following a disagreement, modelled by the adults within school. 

A culture pervades whereby pupils and staff are encouraged to look after each others wellbeing


Forgiveness is an important aspect of the school and is part of our personal development and pastoral care

We invest in teaching and modelling the skills of listening, empathy and forgiveness

